Check out the YouTube link above for a plethora of Videos/Shorts covering all sorts of Tax Advice

Just a Bean Counter looking to assist in navigating and translating the world of Taxes.

"What on Earth does Trey even do?"

Tax Preparation/Planning

2 sides of the same coin: Preparation looks at your prior year(s) information and reconciles the actual tax due, whereas Planning looks at relevant items to change current/future tax impacts to your advantage.


Have specific questions about your financials, whether tax related or not? Let's chat.

Received a letter from the IRS or your state's taxing authority? Let's navigate it together. No need to pay any tax notices unless we can confirm they're correct.

AnaLysis & Review

A second pair of eyes is always better when looking at, or building, financial documents. This is especially true if the cost of a mistake is material.


"What do you charge?"

It Depends.
I know, it's not the answer you want to hear. I can't give a great estimate until I have a look 'under the hood' and see what's going on. The reality is that there are rarely 2 tax stories that are the same. One person's income from thier side hustle will take a fraction of the time than another persons would take. I have posted price Medians and actual price Scenarios on the 'Prices' section of this site to give an idea of the cost.

Contact Me:


If you are a current Client, please utilize the Messages feature in the Portal ('Client Portal' link at top of the page will take you to the login)


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